The Incredible Years Programme

The Incredible Years programme is aimed at parents or carers of children who display challenging behaviours.


The programme aims to support parents and carers to recognise and understand the importance of relationships, praise and incentives and how best to manage challenging behaviours. The programme encourages parents and carers to identify and recognise issues and solutions by using everyday examples.

What happens at the group?

Parents and carers are invited to watch a series of video clips then discuss the benefits and barriers of those ideas, and are offered the chance to practice these skills within the group.  Every week there is some time to share experiences of your home practice.

Who will run the programme?

The Incredible Years programme facilitators are specially trained to deliver the programme and are all experienced professionals working in various health, education and social care settings.

How long is the programme?

The programme is delivered over a 12-week period where parents and carers will be expected to attend one 2 hour session each week. The children of parents who attend Incredible Years may also be offered a place for their child at Dinosaur School.

The thing I liked most was that everyone in the group was supportive and understanding; it made me feel like I wasn’t alone.” – Parent and group participant.

You can access the Incredible Years Parents/Carers Group Leaflet here.

If you would like information about adult therapy groups, please visit Adult Support Groups and Courses for more information.

Want to join this group?

If you are a parent or carer for a child, you can make a self-referral to this service.

Call us on 0191 283 2937

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